Service Times

Sunday Morning Prayer | 9:15 AM

Before Sunday School and our Worship Service, our congregation meets together for prayer. You are welcome to join us in the sanctuary for this time of prayer.

Sunday School | 9:45 AM

Classes are offered for children, youth, and adults. Each class includes fellowship and Bible study. It’s a great way to get plugged into a community.

Sunday Worship Service | 11:00 AM

Join us every Sunday morning for worship! Our service typically includes our weekly Catechism, reading of our current memory verse, congregational singing (contemporary music & hymns), Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, a time of confession, and a sermon. Once a month, we take the Lord’s Supper. A cry room is available in the back of the Sanctuary to aid any young children and infants.

Wednesday Bible Study + Prayer | 6:00 PM

On Wednesday evenings, we are currently studying Proverbs. All are welcome to join in as we study God’s Word and learn to live in a way that is glorifying and honoring to God.

Church Lunch | First Sundays following the morning service

On the first Sunday of each month, we have lunch and fellowship immediately following the service. Lunch usually includes multiple food options and dessert, and is always free!